domingo, 7 de junio de 2015



just read the name of these life forms as it were, we can see how interesting and fun it can be to any reader and because it is a question that even a simple doubt there somewhere in our brain, is that this event thought was impossible existence. Here is bringing another slap that tells us that technology can almost everything.

over time and according to technology and science each inventor, scientist, physicist, mathematician, ect ...... looking forward every day finding either a new species, and invent something that is useful to the world . this time found a species of jellyfish which is immortal


IMMORTAL MEDUSA (Turritopsis Nutricula)

It's kind of hidroideo hidrozoo of Oceanidae family and has a life cycle which reverses when it reaches sexual maturity. bone is the only known case of a lifestyle that after reaching sexual maturity achieved reverse this process coming or going back to a sexual immaturity.

Turritopsis nutricula is able to achieve this very impressive event THROUGH cell transdifferentiation process. theoretically this cycle can last indefinitely making it what we call immortal.

Fertilized eggs develop in the stomach cavity of the larva (plánula). The eggs then planted in the seabed in colonies of polyps. The jellyfish incubated after two days. It becomes sexually mature after a few weeks (the exact duration depends on the temperature of the water: 20 ° C between 25-30 days at 22 ° C for 18-22 days).

the curious thing is that this jellyfish to reach a state of full or full sexual maturity later very little and yet is immortal certainly nature is grand and yet we still have much to learn because every year there are thousands of species new.

All jellyfish have a fixed life cycle differing only in hours or months respectively having only exepcion of nutricula turritopis which is immortal.

scientists are trying to learn more about this dorma of life peculiar and as we know this would only be the beginning, imagine that could try to use this type of research as important as what is immortality.

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